Way to the „Zero Waste” local government

Fenntarthatóság, természetvédelem, Hulladékgazdálkodás, Környezetvédelmi szemléletformálás és oktatás, Vízgazdálkodás, szennyvízkezelés
Angol nyelven, EU, petkupa, plastic Szerző: Hankó Gergely, KSZGYSZ, Szöllősi-Sebestyén Zita Keletkezés éve: 2021

We have heard the term of climate change many times in recent years and it seems that people have not understood its true message yet . Unfortunately, this is not just a fancy topic but a problem we need to understand in order to feel its gravity. One of the main causes of global warming is CO2. During our human activities, we emit a lot of CO2 (heating, manufacturing, travel, etc.), and humanity emits about 40 trillion tonnes of CO2 in a year which is responsible for the greenhouse effect. And these gases are around the Earth that don’t let the heat leave the Earth which makes it warm up. According to the latest IPCC report, this expected warming is 4.4 degrees Celsius by 2100, which may seem small at first, but in reality it means that everything we live in today is changing, disappearing: rivers, lakes, deserts are drying up, deserts instead of forests, many of the animals will be extinct.

We have collected some ideas about how the management of the city can help the citizens in waste reduction. We mentioned earlier that it is also worth motivating the residents, we have used these ideas below. It is important that this is just the beginning, further opportunities should be explored in cooperation with the public forum.
