Waste prevention in Europe — the status in 2014

Hulladékgazdálkodás, Körforgásos gazdaság, zöldgazdaság
körforgásosgazdaság, tudatos vásárlás, waste reduction Szerző: Arnold Mona and Jasmina Bogdanovic, Henning Wilts Keletkezés éve: 2015

This publication is part of a series of reviews by the European Environment Agency of waste prevention programmes in Europe. The review process covers programmes in the 28 European Union Member States and the three European Free Trade Association countries, namely Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This second review covers the 27 national and regional programmes that had been adopted by the end of 2014. The actual results of the waste prevention programmescannot yet be assessed.

Future waste prevention reviews will include information on implementation and will also attempt to link actual waste generation with key socio-economic drivers, waste prevention objectives and targets. Future reviews may also focus on specific areas, providing more detailed analyses of
selected waste types/sectors/measures, such as food waste, hazardous waste, construction and demolition waste or reuse systems. Efforts will also be made to identify examples of niche innovations in waste prevention practices.
