SURVEY – National Legislative System on Surface Water Quality

Vízgazdálkodás, szennyvízkezelés
Angol nyelven Keletkezés éve: 2021

This document focuses on the waste phenomenon in the Danube and its tributaries, provides a
comprehensive overview of the relevant sector-specific legislation and describes the competent
organisations in each country.
The aim of the study is to highlight possible inefficient regulatory practices, the organisational structures of the sectors concerned and, where possible, to make recommendations for improvement.

Fresh international legislative and environmental survey has been published on surface water quality based on the recommendations of Austrian, Slovakian, Hungarian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian and Ukrainian organisations.

Authors – Dr.Violin St.Raykov, Dr.Petya Ivanova, Dr.Ivelina Zlateva, Dr.Dimitar Dimitrov, Csaba
Markó, Gergely Hankó, Krisztina Wégner, Miroslava Robinson, Katarína Hazuchová, Henrieta
Kiraľvargová, Gudrun Obersteiner, Hidi Mária, Bokor Apró László
Contributors – Orsolya Keményffy, Emőke Takács, Péter Kovács, Dejan Ubavin, Ivana Mihajlovic, Maja Petrovic, Dusan Milovanovic, Veselin Bezanovic, Thomas Ladurner, Sabine Lenz, Johannes Mayerhofer, Attila Dávid Molnár, Miklós Gyalai-Korpos
