Summary Report – Re-use Framework Conditions Central Europe

Fenntarthatóság, természetvédelem, Hulladékgazdálkodás, Körforgásos gazdaság, zöldgazdaság
Angol nyelven, EU, re-use, újrahasznosítás Szerző: Bay Zoltán Keletkezés éve: 2012

As a part of the CERREC project, the WP3 deals with the stakeholder participation. This also includes the surveying of the national backgrounds and actual situations concerning re-use in the participating countries. As a deliverable of this subtask, every project partner compiled a report on the topic for their national situation.

This document focuses on the following issues of re-use in the Central European countries:

  1. Legislation background
  2. Environmental issues
  3. Socio-Economic considerations
  4. Educational questions
  5. State of the art
  6. Public awareness
  7. Economical, financial conditions and market potential of re-use
