National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and  Shaping Action

Hulladékgazdálkodás, Vízgazdálkodás, szennyvízkezelés
Angol nyelven, folyóvédelem, waste reduction Szerző: Alexandre Bouchet, Anna Kounina, Guillaume Billard, Julien Boucher, Melissa Zgola, Paola Paruta, Xun Liao

Plastic pollution is a key environmental challenge that has received significant public attention in recent years. While it is often attributed to a “take-make-dispose” economic model, plastic leakage is a complex issue with multiple sources and actors involved. Addressing this challenge requires all stakeholders joining forces to intervene at various levels.

The Guidance also goes one step beyond the quantification and qualification of plastic pollution. It also offers an effective interface between science-based assessments and policy making. The basis of the Guidance starts with mapping plastic leakage and its impacts across the values chain by collecting and analysing relevant data onplastic production, consumption, waste management and disposal, and prioritise hotspots. The Guidance enables governments in collaboration with key stakeholders to identify and implement corresponding interventions and instruments to address the prioritised hotspots. Once decision-makers are equipped with credible knowledge on their status using the Guidance, they can set targets, agree and implement actions, and monitor progress.
