Investigating Europe′s secondary raw material markets

Körforgásos gazdaság, zöldgazdaság
Angol nyelven Keletkezés éve: 2022

Secondary raw material (SRM) markets are crucial for a circular economy. This is because SRMs enable recyclables to re-enter the production value chain, which reduces dependency on primary resources as a result. This role is acknowledged in the EU circular economy action plan of 2020. However, if policy is to help establish or further develop such markets, we need to better understand the currently-fragmented SRM markets in the EU. This report develops an assessment framework to describe the functionality of existing SRM markets. Applying the framework to selected SRM markets reveals specific reasons that explain why certain markets are functioning sub-optimally. The report also describes barriers preventing markets from reaching their full potential from a value chain perspective. Lastly, this report identifies potential measures that could effectively support SRM markets in the EU.

Szerzők: Dirk Nelen, Henning Wilts (WI), Ioannis Bakas (EEA), Malin zu Castell-Rudenhausen, Margareta Wahlström (VTT), Roberto Zoboli (SEEDS), Susanna Paleari (IRCrES), Yoko Dams (VITO)