International hazardous waste inspection project at seaports: Results and recommendations

Hulladékgazdálkodás, Stratégiák, Irányelvek, Programok
Angol nyelven, EU Keletkezés éve: 2010

The INECE Seaport Environmental Security Network developed and facilitated an international hazardous waste inspection period during June and July 2010.

The project was a global operational enforcement effort tackling illegal movements of hazardous waste involving environmental, customs, and other enforcement authorities from Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. The project was beneficial to participants in identifying gaps in inspection and enforcement programs. The outcomes provide insight into the type of waste, modus operandi, and routes that are being used and confirm that cooperation between domestic authorities is essential to an effective enforcement strategy. Recommendations that emerged from the Inspection Project include facilitating future inspection projects; providing capacity building for relevant authorities at seaports; communicating INECE’s environmental compliance and enforcement expertise to countries working to shape more effective domestic programs; and continuing to build partnerships that promote cooperation and collaboration at seaports.
