Plastic pollution of rivers in the Danube region, best practices towards reduction of plastic pollution

Vízgazdálkodás, szennyvízkezelés
Angol nyelven, EU, folyóvédelem, petkupa, plastic Szerző: Gina Hardy, Miklós Gyalai-Korpos

As an important challenge the reduction of plastic waste is already highlighted both in Danube and Tisza river wide scale. Two of the EUSDR PA4 related projects, the DTP-JOINTISZA project and the Tidy-up project are aiming at to fi nd solutions to reduce this pressure. Following the review of the current situation of the plastic pollution, the present document introduces best practices to show what kind of steps have been already taken to overcome this emerging problem. From the side of the EUSDR Hungarian coordination, we hope that following both our international workshop and the global promotion of the Plastic Cup in 2018, this brochure will provide a clear overview about the current challenges of plastic pollution in the Danube catchment area and raise awareness of the public
